Tag Archives: gun control

Syrian Refugees – Stop the Fear Mongering

Photo courtesy of borgenproject.org

Photo courtesy of borgenproject.org

Here is my two cents regarding the acceptance of Syrian refugees.

I am torn and understand what a hard decision this is. I know some wonderful people who came to this country as refugees who are truly thankful to be here. Coming here saved their lives and the lives of their six children. I’m proud that our country opened its doors to them.

On the world stage our country stands for human decency and freedom from persecution. My heart breaks to see these refugees and wants to embrace them all, but then I have to wonder what else we may let in. How many wolves will be amongst all those poor sheep? Now, Islamic groups are trying to use our basic human decency against us through their accusations of bigotry. Terrorist groups know that the US welcomes the downtrodden and abused. So amongst these real, suffering refugees, they plant their people as a surefire way of getting them through our borders. Once we balk at taking them, they accuse us of bigotry against Muslims thinking to shame us into acceptance. It’s a masterful plan that we are nearly powerless to fight against without comprising the values that we hold so dear. So, basically it comes down to we either let in possible terrorists or look like hypocrites to the rest of the world.

So my thoughts are this…when I give a homeless person a couple of dollars for food, I don’t watch to see how they spend it. That’s not on me. If they go buy a bottle of alcohol or drugs with the money, that’s their problem. I can’t be their conscience. If we let in 10,000 people who have nowhere else to go and a couple of them are bad, that’s on them. By opening our arms to them, we stood by our principles because that is who we are. We will NOT change who we are because we are afraid of some terrorists. If they get in and they hurt us, we will then hunt them down like the dogs they are, but we will not let them take away our honor or our integrity.

So, please stop with the fear mongering. The terrorists want us to be afraid. Stand up and be proud of who we are as a nation and what we stand for. Then, if the time comes and the unthinkable happens, stand up and use your 2nd amendment right to protect yourself and your family. And if you’re into gun control and all that nonsense about getting the guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens, your welcome to get behind us. We will still use our constitutional right to protect you because that’s who WE are.