Category Archives: Obama vs. Trudeau

Obama vs. Trudeau Week 7

This week we discover that Presidents in the 21st century have to solve problems in the first 50 days. (They used to have an equally artificial 100.) As I recall, George _. Bush hadn’t even found the W keys for his computers that soon.

Too bad the pundits who are complaining about the President’s lack of progress aren’t pointing to the Republicans blocking the path or their own history of supporting the economic nonsense that caused the problems in the first place. And in the meantime veterans and active military personnel, who need medical services for PTSD and TBI, are wrapped in red tape instead. Please help our leaders understand the kind of care that needs to be done.

Letter from Tom Blaschko to President Obama. (PDF)
Letter from Tom Blaschko to Garry Trudeau. (PDF)

Some of our leaders are doing what they can to help. Others are standing in the way. Let them know what you think about what they are doing. Send us a letter or e-mail and we will include it in our packages.

On March 24 Eric will be interviewed by Dr. Kevin Keough for his podcast Warrior Traditions. You can listen any time after that date by going to the website.

Obama vs. Trudeau Week 6

We seem to be sailing between Scylla and Charybdis these days. Trying to get through without losing everything may really be the only plan. I only hope that we can find a way to sacrifice our financial “wizards” who got us into this mess instead of the veterans who are fighting to keep us safe. As always, any help you can give is appreciated.

Letter from Tom Blaschko to President Obama. (PDF)
Letter from Tom Blaschko to Garry Trudeau. (PDF)

Please help our veterans by making your views heard. Send us a letter or e-mail and we will include it in our packages.

Monday Eric is keynote speaker at the Advocacy Conference of NAADAC/NAATP in Arlington, VA. He will be at Meriter Hospital in Madison, WI, on Wednesday.
Check here for Eric’s speaking and broadcast schedule.

Obama vs. Trudeau Week 5

Remy Benoit sends a heart-felt letter to Garry Trudeau asking for his help in getting appropriate treatment for our veterans.
“Be there for us and we will be there for you.”

You can also read Remy’s review of Faces of Combat here.

Letter from Tom Blaschko to President Obama. (PDF) [Afghanistan, the destroyer of empires.]
Letter from Tom Blaschko to Garry Trudeau. (PDF) [Looking for commentary on Afghanistan and the partial pullout from Iraq.]

Please help our veterans by making your views heard. Send us a letter or e-mail and we will include it in our packages.

Check here for Eric’s speaking and broadcast schedule.

Obama vs. Trudeau Week 4

We have been getting great responses from Eric’s article on truthout. Two are included here
From Paul Sullivan of Veterans for Common Sense about failures in health care for veterans.
From Cheryn English of FMS Productions about the need to look at alternate methods of treating PTSD.

Letter from Tom Blaschko to President Obama. (PDF) [Health care for veterans is a step toward better health care for all of us!]
Letter from Tom Blaschko to Garry Trudeau. (PDF) [We need better ways of treating PTSD.]

Please help our veterans by making your views heard. Send us a letter or e-mail and we will include it in our packages.

Check here for Eric’s speaking and broadcast schedule.

Obama vs. Trudeau Week 3

Eric Newhouse, the author of Faces of Combat, PTSD & TBI gave us letters to put in the packages this week. In them he offers his services in promoting better health care for our veterans. If you have anything you need help with, please let Eric or us know and we will do what we can to support your work.
Here is what Eric had to say to President Obama. (PDF)
And what he had to say to Garry Trudeau. (PDF)

The others are our weekly letters thanking both men for what they have done so far, explaining why the package is being sent, and letting them know what we hope to accomplish.
Letter from Tom Blaschko to President Obama. (PDF) [Three patriotic Republicans are all that are needed to pass legislation to help our veteran.]
Letter from Tom Blaschko to Garry Trudeau. (PDF) [It’s even worse than you can show in your strip, especially the TBIs.]

We hope to have many more letters for next week. Please help our veterans by making your views heard.

In other news, Eric wrote an article about the Montana National Guard model for treating returning soldiers on truthout. He discusses how the model will help and what else is needed to fulfill our commitment to our vets. You can see it by following this link.

Obama vs. Trudeau Week 2

We have three letters going out in the packages this week.
The first is a heartfelt request for President Obama from Remy Benoit, who has worked with Vietnam era veterans to get their story told. (PDF)

The others are the weekly letters to explain why the package is being sent and what we hope to accomplish.
Letter from Tom Blaschko to President Obama. (PDF)
Letter from Tom Blaschko to Garry Trudeau. (PDF)

We hope to have many more letters for week 3. Please help us out.