Obama vs. Trudeau Week 7

This week we discover that Presidents in the 21st century have to solve problems in the first 50 days. (They used to have an equally artificial 100.) As I recall, George _. Bush hadn’t even found the W keys for his computers that soon.

Too bad the pundits who are complaining about the President’s lack of progress aren’t pointing to the Republicans blocking the path or their own history of supporting the economic nonsense that caused the problems in the first place. And in the meantime veterans and active military personnel, who need medical services for PTSD and TBI, are wrapped in red tape instead. Please help our leaders understand the kind of care that needs to be done.

Letter from Tom Blaschko to President Obama. (PDF)
Letter from Tom Blaschko to Garry Trudeau. (PDF)

Some of our leaders are doing what they can to help. Others are standing in the way. Let them know what you think about what they are doing. Send us a letter or e-mail and we will include it in our packages.

On March 24 Eric will be interviewed by Dr. Kevin Keough for his podcast Warrior Traditions. You can listen any time after that date by going to the website.


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