Category Archives: Mental Health

PTSD: The Silent Killer

“War scars us all, but does the most damage to those closest to it.

In his book, Faces of Combat, author Eric Newhouse describes PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) as “…a series of persistent symptoms that follow exposure to a catastrophe or series of catastrophes that are outside a person’s control and that cause feelings of intense fear, helplessness, or horror.”

If you are unfamiliar with PTSD, Newhouse’s definition paints a somber picture of the living hell that people suffering from PTSD go though each and every day. But what makes veterans in particular so susceptible to the disorder?

Veterans who see combat can often experience these extremely stressful situations (or catastrophes) several times per day during tours that can last for years at a time. Each stressful situation compounds upon all the stressful situations that came before it, all but ensuring lasting effects long after the soldier returns home from duty. This untreated PTSD is largely why the suicide rate among veterans is statistically higher than the national average.

To support this theory, let’s look at some data.

The 2022 National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report conducted by the VA states that “In each year from 2001 through 2020, age and sex-adjusted suicide rates of Veterans exceeded those of non-Veteran U.S. adults.” Specifically, the report lists the 2020 rate of suicide among veterans as 57.3% higher than the general, non-veteran population.

Another study performed in 2017 found that 12.9% of their veteran participants were living with PTSD, compared to just 6.8% of the general, non-veteran population. This means veterans are almost twice as likely to have some form of PTSD and, when taken into consideration with the 2022 Suicide Prevention study by the VA, suggests a direct link between combat-related PTSD and suicide rates among veterans.

But despite how dire things may seem, there are reasons to feel optimistic about the future.

Thankfully, a lot of positive action has been taken in the past few years that is starting to yield very promising results. For instance, 2020 saw the lowest number of veteran suicides since 2006. Furthermore, the adjusted rate of veteran suicides is decreasing faster than the adjusted suicide rate of the general population, at 9.7% and 5.5% respectively. This means that things are absolutely trending in the right direction…but there’s still a long way to go.

In the meantime, each of us can focus on doing our part to fund programs that assist veterans. We can continue to spread awareness of the various programs that exist to provide mental health support to our veterans (several of which can be found here). The more visible these programs are, the more likely they are to be seen by the people who need them the most.

Are you a veteran in need of assistance? Click this link for a list of resources made specifically for you. If you’re having suicidal thoughts, please call either The National Veterans’ Foundation at 1-888-777-4443 or the VA Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (800-273-8255). Both hotlines are free and confidential.

If you’re not a veteran but would still like to help out, you can get involved through our donation page here.

Don’t Let SAD Drag You Down This Winter

From Guest Blogger Kimberly Hayes

First comes the joy of Halloween, followed by Thanksgiving and the greatest celebration of all, Christmas. During that period, when most people’s spirits are up, others find themselves burdened with an unwelcome visitor: seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD.

This mental condition leaves its victims crippled with a host of symptoms that include fatigue, insomnia, hopelessness and depression. For some, getting through the day is a constant struggle as they drag themselves out of bed, go to work and come home in a state of misery.

If you suffer from SAD, you want to find a way out. If you know someone who does, you want to help. Here’s how to do that.


This is going to be tricky, as this is about the last thing a sufferer wants to do. The trick is to not make it too difficult; a simple walk around the neighborhood would suffice for starters, and that’s even easier with a friend tagging along or a great playlist to jam to. This may get the ball rolling, after which they can make the workouts more difficult until back in summer form.

Team Sports

“Isn’t this just more exercise?” you’re probably thinking. But no, it’s much more than that. Sure, it burns calories, but joining a basketball, volleyball or soccer team also provides a dose of friendship and camaraderie that are hard to find elsewhere. It may involve paying a fee or buying some quality equipment, but bolstering your mental health is worth the small investment.

A Healthy Diet

A dietician speaking with Everyday Health emphasizes eating foods high in fiber, like beans, oats and brown rice, along with fruits and vegetables to maintain an optimal blood sugar level and keep your energy up. The protein found in chicken and fish also aid in that endeavour.

Quality Sleep

There’s a bit of a contradiction here, as it’s often the condition itself that’s preventing sufferers from getting a good night’s rest. However, there may be a way to break the cycle, and it could be as simple as keeping the bedroom cool and dark while avoiding stimulants like caffeine and sugar late in the day. A healthy diet and exercise help as well.

A Routine

Once the sufferer has broken the cycle of tossing and turning all night and feeling groggy during the day, they should stick with that same schedule, waking up at the same time, day in and day out, even on the weekends. They’ll fall into a natural rhythm as their body tells them when it’s time to go to bed in the evening.

A Dawn Simulator

As for waking up in the morning, this device can help. It’s far from complicated. It’s just a bedside lamp that wakes the sleeper up by gradually increasing in intensity, mimicking the rising sun during the springtime. That alone dispels some of the winter doldrums.

A Light Box

The condition is brought on by the longer nights and the absence of the sun’s brightening rays earlier and earlier in the day, but they can be replaced by this device. It’s used as a form of therapy, with sufferers of SAD turning it on and facing the light whenever they feel down.


According to one writer with Headspace, this ancient practice helped him emerge victoriously following a long struggle with depression and thoughts of suicide. Though difficult, his regular sessions of mindfulness allowed him to accept his demons, then gradually distance himself from their grasp and reach a state of contentment. It could do the same for you or your loved one.


How this lifts someone’s mood is still a bit of a mystery, but scents have been used for this purpose over the course of millenia, so it may be worth some experimentation. That involves diffusing essential oils in your home, with lemon balm, sage and lavender coming highly recommended.

These methods may take time to be effective, but with a little patience, they could also put the joy back in winter.