An Electric Forehead Patch Could Treat PTSD

A nightly dose of targeted brain stimulation. For some people who experience traumatic events like robberies, war, or abuse, the emotional effects continue for decades after the episode has ended. Sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are susceptible to anxiety, flashbacks, and nightmares, which isn’t always ameliorated by treatments like therapy and medication. Now researchers from the University of California Los Angeles have developed a non-invasive patch that stimulates the brain to treat symptoms of PTSD, according to a study published today in the journal Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface.

Veteran Ron Ramirez (PTSD Patient) using TNS neuromodulation device from Neurosigma, Inc.

Veteran Ron Ramirez (PTSD Patient) using TNS neuromodulation device from Neurosigma, Inc.


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