Getting VA Health Care

Did you know that you may be able to receive care from the VA without already having a completed, approved VA Disability claim? According to the VA’s website, all veterans could possibly be eligible. Their guidelines are

• You completed active military service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard (or Merchant Marines during WW II).
• You were discharged under other than dishonorable conditions.
• You are a National Guard member or Reservist who has completed a federal deployment to a combat zone.

Veterans who served in a theater of combat operations after November 11, 1998 are eligible for a period of enhanced eligibility for health care for 5 years post discharge. The 5-year enrollment period begins on the discharge or separation date of the service member from active duty military service, or in the case of multiple call-ups, the most recent discharge date.

Veterans who qualify under this special eligibility are assigned to VA Priority Group 6 and are not subject to copays for conditions potentially related to their combat service. However, unless otherwise exempted, combat Veterans must either disclose their prior year gross household income OR decline to provide their financial information and agree to make applicable copays for care or services VA determines are clearly unrelated to their military service.

For those Veterans who do not enroll during their enhanced eligibility period, eligibility for enrollment and subsequent care is based on the Veteran’s financial circumstances. So if you’ve just been discharged, sign up as soon as possible!

Once you apply for enrollment, your eligibility will be verified. Based on your specific eligibility status, you will be assigned a Priority Group. The Priority Groups range from 1-8 with 1 being the highest priority for enrollment. For those in the enhanced eligibility group, your Priority Group would be 6; however you may be eligible for more than one Enrollment Priority Group. In that case, VA will always place you in the highest Priority Group for which you are eligible. Once enrolled, you will receive a personalized Veterans Handbook, which will detail your VA health benefits and provide important information concerning your access to VA health care.

Complete the VA’s checklist for trauma symptoms and take it and your DD 214 to your nearest VA hospital or Vet Center. Click here to connect with the VA website and find the location nearest to you.

And as always, any veteran can call the Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255, press 1.


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