By Ingrid Dinter
I have been helping many Veterans with EFT, mostly by phone. The results for their overall wellbeing, their release of insomnia and other symptoms of PTSD have been quite wonderful.
To be able to communicate the progress that Veterans can make with EFT, I have decided to monitor their shifts and progress with two standardized forms, the SA-45 and the PCL-M. These research tools are described briefly at the end of this article. In addition to signing an informed consent form, the Veterans that I work with are also required to keep a daily sleep journal, which documents sleep duration, quality of sleep, overall wellbeing and other factors. It is my hope that the results of this single case study will encourage and inspire others to move forward with the clinical, larger scale research studies that need to be done in this field, so that the Veterans and their families get access to this important and powerful healing tool.
“Don” is a 61 year old Vietnam Veteran who and has been diagnosed with…
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